Harn Museum of Art

Harn Museum Of Art

Museums And Institutions, 3259 Hull Road, Gainesville, Florida, 32608, United States, 51-200 Employees


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Since opening in 1990, the Harn Museum of Art at the University of Florida has been a cornerstone of the North Central Florida arts and culture ecosystem. In addition to serving the stude...

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  • 3259 Hull Road, Gainesville, Florida, 32608, United States Headquarters: 3259 Hull Road, Gainesville, Florida, 32608, United States
  • 1990 Date Founded: 1990
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Billion and Over
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8011; 8221 | NAICS Code: 621111 | Show More

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Paige Willis

Community Engagement & Museum Interpretation Manager

Jody Green

Assistant to the Director and Special Projects Manager

Parker Hunt

Av/It Support Technician

Tami Wroath

Director of Marketing and Public Relations

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Harn Museum of Art

Answer: Harn Museum of Art's headquarters are located at 3259 Hull Road, Gainesville, Florida, 32608, United States

Answer: Harn Museum of Art's phone number is 35********

Answer: Harn Museum of Art's official website is https://harn.ufl.edu

Answer: Harn Museum of Art's revenue is $1 Billion and Over

Answer: Harn Museum of Art's SIC: 8011; 8221

Answer: Harn Museum of Art's NAICS: 621111

Answer: Harn Museum of Art has 51-200 employees

Answer: Harn Museum of Art is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: Harn Museum of Art contact info: Phone number: 35******** Website: https://harn.ufl.edu

Answer: Since opening in 1990, the Harn Museum of Art at the University of Florida has been a cornerstone of the North Central Florida arts and culture ecosystem. In addition to serving the students and faculty of the university, the Harn is the most prominent fine art museum in the greater north central Florida region, and demonstrates its commitment to being a cultural resource through its free admission and art-centered experiences. The museum is known for developing high quality and relevant exhibitions--drawn from its collection of 13,300 artworks--many of which have toured across the United States. The Harn Museum of Arts facility contains eleven galleries that feature dedicated space for each of its collecting areas (African, Asian, modern and contemporary art, and photography). Since the Harn's opening, it has served more than 2.5 million visitors. The Harn continues to grow with the community by expanding its space for exhibitions and activities. Expansions include an 18,000-square-foot addition built for exhibiting the Harns contemporary art collection completed in 2005 and a 26,000-squarefoot addition dedicated to the museums collection of Asian Art completed in 2012. The Harn recently received The Florida Art Collection, Gift of Samuel and Roberta Vickers, which is an extensive visual record of Florida illustrated through paintings, drawings and watercolors. It includes work by many prominent American artists from the late 19th to the mid 20th centuries. A portion of this new gift is featured year-round in a dedicated space, and will eventually be featured in a new 20,000-square-foot wing opening in 2024. In addition to galleries showcasing the Harns collection, the Harn brings in well-known art and exhibitions from other lenders, collections and venues across the United States.

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