Hamlin Robinson School
Primary And Secondary Education, 1701 20th Ave S, Seattle, Washington, 98144, United States, 51-200 Employees
Phone Number: +12*********
Hamlin Robinson School ignites the academic and creative potential of students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. At Hamlin Robinson School, we believe learning ...
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Headquarters: 1701 20th Ave S, Seattle, Washington, 98144, United States
Date Founded: 1983
Employees: 51-200
Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Primary and Secondary Education
SIC Code: 8111
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Hamlin Robinson School
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School's headquarters are located at 1701 20th Ave S, Seattle, Washington, 98144, United States
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School's phone number is +12*********
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School's official website is https://hamlinrobinson.org
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School's SIC: 8111
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School has 51-200 employees
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School is in Primary and Secondary Education
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website: https://hamlinrobinson.org
Answer: Hamlin Robinson School ignites the academic and creative potential of students with dyslexia and other language-based learning differences. At Hamlin Robinson School, we believe learning has no limits. Our world-class program builds confidence and self-esteem giving students the opportunity to experience academic success and explore their creative potential. Teachers are highly-skilled, compassionate educators who use a multi-sensory approach to literacy. The rich, comprehensive school program is rooted in techniques that encourage creativity and build on interests and curiosities, making learning fun and interesting. At Hamlin Robinson School students discover the joy of learning. As the community outreach component of Hamlin Robinson School, the HRS Learning Center is a resource and services hub for students, families, educators, and global community members. Hamlin Robinson School is approved by the State of Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), and is accredited by the National Association of Accredited Schools (NAAS), Northwest Association of Independent Schools (NWAIS) and the Washington State Board of Education.
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