Gulf & Atlantic Railways

Gulf & Atlantic Railways

Railroad Manufacture, 245 Riverside Ave, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Gulf & Atlantic Railways is focused on acquiring and operating North American and international freight railroads. Our company strategically invests in railroad assets where significant v...

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industries-icon Industry: Railroad Manufacture

SIC SIC Code: 4013 | NAICS Code: 482112 | Show More

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Gulf & Atlantic Railways Org Chart and Mapping

Ryan Ratledge

Chief Executive Officer


Frances Bruderer

Office Manager & Executive Assistant to Senior Management

Pablo Moreno

Computer Engineering Intern

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gulf & Atlantic Railways

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways's headquarters are located at 245 Riverside Ave, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202, United States

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways's phone number is +18*********

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways's official website is

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways's SIC: 4013

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways's NAICS: 482112

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways has 51-200 employees

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways is in Railroad Manufacture

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: Gulf & Atlantic Railways is focused on acquiring and operating North American and international freight railroads. Our company strategically invests in railroad assets where significant value can be added through our expertise. Our team has an established reputation for acquiring and profitably operating freight railroads in the United States and throughout the world. Gulf & Atlantic Railways draws on the depth of experience of its executive team to achieve its goals. Freight railroads play a crucial role in the world's transportation network. Gulf & Atlantic Railways mission is to provide rail customers with safe, reliable, customized and efficient transportation solutions to move their product to end markets. Through targeted investment in capital improvements, our company enhances operations and customer service to attract and retain top customers. Our railroads: FGA, GRYR, CKIN, CAMY, PVRR, & VVRR + Railroad Distribution Services (warehousing, transloading, and trucking)


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