Griffin Bros
Utilities, 103 Griffin Dr, Maysville, Georgia, 30558, United States, 11-50 Employees
Since 1968, Griffin Bros. Inc. has been providing construction services for various size projects. We provide construction services to municipalities and work closely with multiple counti...
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Headquarters: 103 Griffin Dr, Maysville, Georgia, 30558, United States
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Industry: Utilities
SIC Code: 1521
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Griffin Bros
Answer: Griffin Bros's headquarters are located at 103 Griffin Dr, Maysville, Georgia, 30558, United States
Answer: Griffin Bros's official website is
Answer: Griffin Bros's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Griffin Bros's SIC: 1521
Answer: Griffin Bros has 11-50 employees
Answer: Griffin Bros is in Utilities
Answer: Griffin Bros contact info: Phone number: Website:
Answer: Since 1968, Griffin Bros. Inc. has been providing construction services for various size projects. We provide construction services to municipalities and work closely with multiple counties and city governments. The majority of our projects are government contracts and are bonded. We specialize in mass moving of materials and pipeline construction such as water distribution, sanitary sewer and storm water systems, as well as water and sewer pump stations. We also specialize in infrastructure projects, rock excavation, drilling and blasting. We are certified by the federal government to handle explosives. Griffin Brothers Inc. has coordinated and managed large fleet trucking on numerous government restoration projects as well. Our management, supervisors, and crew receive extensive supervisory, code, safety and job specific training. Each of our equipment operators is well trained and has a thorough understanding of equipment operations. It is our goal to work closely with the owners and engineers to execute all projects in a cost effective and timely manner.
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