Green Filing

Green Filing

Information Technology And Services, Park City, Utah, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Green Filing is a certified electronic filing service provider to the Utah State District Courts. Our web based software allows Utah attorneys and their staff to view case information, do...

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  • Park City, Utah, United States Headquarters: Park City, Utah, United States
  • 2009 Date Founded: 2009
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Information Technology and Services

SIC SIC Code: 7375 | NAICS Code: 711219 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Green Filing

Answer: Green Filing's headquarters are located at Park City, Utah, United States

Answer: Green Filing's official website is

Answer: Green Filing's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Green Filing's SIC: 7375

Answer: Green Filing's NAICS: 711219

Answer: Green Filing has 1-10 employees

Answer: Green Filing is in Information Technology and Services

Answer: Green Filing contact info: Phone number: Website:

Answer: Green Filing is a certified electronic filing service provider to the Utah State District Courts. Our web based software allows Utah attorneys and their staff to view case information, documents on court cases, and e-file new pleadings into Utah's State Courts. The founders of Green Filing, having spent several years providing services to attorneys and courts, particularly in the areas of access to court data, management of electronic court records, and in the implementation of electronic filing, believe that there has not been a product developed that truly promotes the convenience and ease of electronic filing. UNTIL NOW! Green Filing's electronic court filing solution has been designed to simplify the filing process utilizing a filing interface that even the most novice computers users find simple to use. For this reason, among many others, we believe we have developed a product that will truly promote electronic filing and drive it's adoption and acceptance. Each and every day, our customers (attorneys and legal staff), the companies or law firms they work for, and the ever important clients they represent will rely on our product to make their businesses run smoothly by delivering legal documents to courts and service recipients in a safe, secure, and reliable manner. We are proud, and honored, to do so.

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