Grace Life Care

Grace Life Care

Hospital & Health Care, 59 Alpine Run Rd, Kingston, , 2364, Massachusetts, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Grace Life Care - Guidance, Resources, Advocacy, Compassion for Elders. As a Registered Nurse since 1989, I am incorporating my years of nursing experience in the field of elder care to p...

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Grace Life Care

Answer: Grace Life Care's headquarters are located at 59 Alpine Run Rd, Kingston, , 2364, Massachusetts, United States

Answer: Grace Life Care's phone number is 50********

Answer: Grace Life Care's official website is

Answer: Grace Life Care's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Grace Life Care has 1-10 employees

Answer: Grace Life Care is in Hospital & Health Care

Answer: Grace Life Care contact info: Phone number: 50******** Website:

Answer: Grace Life Care - Guidance, Resources, Advocacy, Compassion for Elders. As a Registered Nurse since 1989, I am incorporating my years of nursing experience in the field of elder care to provide care management services to the complex changing needs of older adults. I am proficient in managing complex, changing needs of older adults in hospital, assisted living and home settings, assuring issues are identified and well managed, while bridging communication between providers of care. I have experience and a special interest in older adults with memory impairment. My strengths include: crisis intervention, advocacy in acute care settings, coordination of medical and supportive care, interventions at home to maximize independence, relocation to more supportive setting when necessary, assisting older adults to identify their goals and improving quality of life, as well as guidance during end of life care. Professional member of the Aging Life Care Association (ALCA). Care Manager Certified through National Academy of Certified Care Managers (NACCM)


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