Governor Mifflin School District

Governor Mifflin School District

Education Management, 10 S Waverly St, Reading, Pennsylvania, 19607, United States, 501-1000 Employees

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The Governor Mifflin School District serves the borough of Kenhorst, Mohnton, and Shillington and the townships of Brecknock and Cumru. These five municipalities encompass 42 square miles...

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  • 10 S Waverly St, Reading, Pennsylvania, 19607, United States Headquarters: 10 S Waverly St, Reading, Pennsylvania, 19607, United States
  • 501-1000 Employees: 501-1000
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million

industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 8211 | NAICS Code: 611110 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Governor Mifflin School District

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District's headquarters are located at 10 S Waverly St, Reading, Pennsylvania, 19607, United States

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District's phone number is +16*********

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District's official website is

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District's SIC: 8211

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District's NAICS: 611110

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District has 501-1000 employees

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District is in Education Management

Answer: Governor Mifflin School District contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:

Answer: The Governor Mifflin School District serves the borough of Kenhorst, Mohnton, and Shillington and the townships of Brecknock and Cumru. These five municipalities encompass 42 square miles of southeastern Pennsylvania's Berks County with a population of 28,161. Although a green, rural atmosphere prevails throughout most of the district, the community is fortunate to have easy access to a variety of cultural, urban settings. Major arteries, such as the Pennsylvania Turnpike and Routes 176, 222, and 422, place the school district in an ideal cultural and recreational position. Philadelphia, the Pocono Mountains, New York City, the Jersey shore, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. are all within a three-hour drive. You won't find Mustang Nation on a map. It's a movement, owned and led by the spirited student body of Governor Mifflin School District. We are a diverse district, both in geographic terrain and socio-economic status. But we come together as Mustangs and work to prepare all of our students for success after graduation. We use the phrase "college, career, and future-ready" to remind us that we must ready our students for more than one path and for a future that holds opportunities that do not yet exist. Our educators meet this challenge by being innovators who know how to make real-world connections to learning and help students become problem-solvers. Governor Mifflin students are proud of our district. We believe the most important role for our educators is to develop citizens and leaders who continue to make our community proud to be Mustangs!

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