
Get Archive

Information Technology And Services, Coastal Hwy, Lewes, , 19958, Delaware, 16192, United States, 1-10 Employees

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The platform for everyone to publish media and build strong online audiences. The web and mobile application that: helps publishers to gain online popularity and make money; supports a co...

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industries-icon Industry: Information Technology and Services

SIC SIC Code: 4832 | NAICS Code: 516120 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding GetArchive

Answer: GetArchive's headquarters are located at Coastal Hwy, Lewes, , 19958, Delaware, 16192, United States

Answer: GetArchive's official website is

Answer: GetArchive's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: GetArchive's SIC: 4832

Answer: GetArchive's NAICS: 516120

Answer: GetArchive has 1-10 employees

Answer: GetArchive is in Information Technology and Services

Answer: GetArchive contact info: Phone number: Website:

Answer: The platform for everyone to publish media and build strong online audiences. The web and mobile application that: helps publishers to gain online popularity and make money; supports a community of users who need to discover and legally reuse media; utilizes user input and behavior to create new metadata and media. The web and mobile application that is designed to serve both publishers and consumers of media, mainly images, slideshows, and videos, so publishers and users can: publish and monetize media, get organic search traffic and social following; discover and legally reuse media published by others using tools embedded in the application. The application: helps publishers to gain online popularity and make money; supports a community of users who need to discover and legally reuse media, mainly images, videos, and texts; utilizes user input and behavior to create new metadata and media, mainly videos and slideshows. GetArchive publishing platform serves publishers, bloggers, galleries, archives, libraries, museums, non-profit and government agencies need to create and share content online and on mobile. GetArchive suits publishers of all sizes empowering their ongoing efforts to expand their connections, reach targeted demographics. GetArchive program for non-profits helps to establish and maintain relationships with patrons, sponsors, and communities, support fundraising activities. GetArchive's built PICRYL - a creativity source and an educational tool. Picryl provides easy web and mobile access to millions of public domain images, videos, sounds scattered all over the web, including Library of Congress, NARA, NASA, NYPL, The Internet Archive and hundreds of other sources. Discover history, events, personalities, places, find vintage photos, postcards, posters.


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