Gender Action
International Affairs, Sunderland Quay Stirling House, Rochester, New York, 20009, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +15*********
Gender Action holds International Financial Institutions (IFIs) - the worlds largest taxpayer-supported development funders such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and new...
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Headquarters: Sunderland Quay Stirling House, Rochester, New York, 20009, United States
Date Founded: 2002
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: International Affairs
SIC Code: 8011
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Gender Action
Answer: Gender Action's headquarters are located at Sunderland Quay Stirling House, Rochester, New York, 20009, United States
Answer: Gender Action's phone number is +15*********
Answer: Gender Action's official website is
Answer: Gender Action's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Gender Action's SIC: 8011
Answer: Gender Action has 1-10 employees
Answer: Gender Action is in International Affairs
Answer: Gender Action contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:
Answer: Gender Action holds International Financial Institutions (IFIs) - the worlds largest taxpayer-supported development funders such as the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and newer Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, - accountable for ending harmful and promoting beneficial gender and climate impacts. Gender Action promotes self-determined development and prioritizing people women, men and sexual and gender minorities and the planet. We partner in coalitions that jointly pressure IFIs to stop: (1) requiring borrower countries to implement austerity public social spending cutbacks and public service and infrastructure privatization, which benefit corporations more than poor women, men and sexual and gender minorities, whose lives IFIs claim to improve; (2) IFI investments in fossil fuels coal, oil and gas; and (3) IFI lending which indebts and prevents poor countries spending on public services and infrastructure. We call for a paradigm shift toward debt-free grant-based support for public goods to improve the lives of poor women, men, and sexual and gender minorities (SGMs). For over two decades, Gender Action has developed the foundations for a global movement that is coming to fruition: Womens, LGBTQI+, environment/climate activists and other human rights groups around the world are partnering in advocacy pushing IFIs to promote intersectional class, race, gender and climate justice for women, men and sexual and gender minorities.
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