Future Foods Enterprises
Food & Beverages, 1899 N Us Hwy 1, Ormond, Florida, 32174, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +18*********
More than "just" a Plant-Based Protein Manufacturer. Future Foods set out to create something that the world needs more than ever. Something that combines everything you are looking for i...
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Headquarters: 1899 N Us Hwy 1, Ormond, Florida, 32174, United States
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
CEO: Alex Kramarchuk
Industry: Food & Beverages
SIC Code: 5149
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Future Foods Enterprises
Answer: Future Foods Enterprises's headquarters are located at 1899 N Us Hwy 1, Ormond, Florida, 32174, United States
Answer: Future Foods Enterprises's phone number is +18*********
Answer: Future Foods Enterprises's official website is https://getpaow.com
Answer: Future Foods Enterprises's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million
Answer: Future Foods Enterprises's SIC: 5149
Answer: Future Foods Enterprises has 11-50 employees
Answer: Future Foods Enterprises is in Food & Beverages
Answer: Future Foods Enterprises contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website: https://getpaow.com
Answer: More than "just" a Plant-Based Protein Manufacturer. Future Foods set out to create something that the world needs more than ever. Something that combines everything you are looking for in an ingredient as a chef, without having to compromise. The result is PAOW! - Plant-Based Protein for People and Our World PAOW! is a 100% plant based product that comes in a variety of shapes and consistencies. It is extremely rich in protein and fibers and a perfect source of folic acid and iron. It is also low on calories and almost fat free! Too good to be true? Theres more. PAOW! can be cooked, grilled or fried depending on what consistency you prefer. What you have to do is to give it that signature flavor to make it taste just the way you want it. In other words youll stick to all of your favorite recipes, just with a completely new source of protein instead: PAOW! It is easy to cook, healthy and tastes awesome. On top of that its unbelievably easy on the planet. That is why weve named it PAOW!, which stands for "People And Our World". - Rock the Food!
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