Fleet Clubs

Fleet Clubs

Airlines And Aviation, 1688 Meridian Ave, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, United States, 11-50 Employees


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Fleet Clubs is a collection of boutique membership clubs providing direct air service on scheduled shared-luxury airliners between private FBO terminals. Each club has a dedicated plane a...

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industries-icon Industry: Airlines and Aviation

SIC SIC Code: 7389

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Fleet Clubs

Answer: Fleet Clubs's headquarters are located at 1688 Meridian Ave, Miami Beach, Florida, 33139, United States

Answer: Fleet Clubs's phone number is +12*********

Answer: Fleet Clubs's official website is https://fleetclubs.com

Answer: Fleet Clubs's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Fleet Clubs's SIC: 7389

Answer: Fleet Clubs has 11-50 employees

Answer: Fleet Clubs is in Airlines and Aviation

Answer: Fleet Clubs contact info: Phone number: +12********* Website: https://fleetclubs.com

Answer: Fleet Clubs is a collection of boutique membership clubs providing direct air service on scheduled shared-luxury airliners between private FBO terminals. Each club has a dedicated plane and a dedicated route and is limited to 200 members. Each plane has 60 seats in a 2x2 first-class configuration. Membership is by application only. Our team has operated private flying clubs for over 15 years on the West Coast between Hawaii and California, orchestrating more than 2000 flights without a single cancellation and managing $200 million in revenue. Our clubs have a 90% membership retention rate, making us one of the most successful private flight services in the industry. Since COVID-19, private flying has hit record highs but it has also been stigmatized for emitting carbon. Fleet Clubs provides an innovative luxury carpool solution offering the greenest way to fly private. Fleet Clubs reduces carbon emissions by 90% vs flying private. Since 70% of our existing members otherwise fly private, the carbon reduction on the Hawaii routes exceed 50M of carbon tons each year.


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