First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista

First United Methodist Church Of Chula Vista

Religious Institutions, 1200 E H St, Chula Vista, California, 91910, United States, 11-50 Employees

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First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista is a UMC congregation located at 1200 E H St, Chula Vista, California, United States. Everyone is warmly welcomed at FUMC of Chula Vista and e...

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  • 1200 E H St, Chula Vista, California, 91910, United States Headquarters: 1200 E H St, Chula Vista, California, 91910, United States
  • 1911 Date Founded: 1911
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Religious Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8661

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First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista Org Chart and Mapping


Aries Ramirez

Director of Youth Ministry, Website, Missions & Community Outreach

Ron Bolles

Stephen Minister Trainee

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista's headquarters are located at 1200 E H St, Chula Vista, California, 91910, United States

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista's phone number is +16*********

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista's official website is

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista's SIC: 8661

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista has 11-50 employees

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista is in Religious Institutions

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista contact info: Phone number: +16********* Website:

Answer: First United Methodist Church of Chula Vista is a UMC congregation located at 1200 E H St, Chula Vista, California, United States. Everyone is warmly welcomed at FUMC of Chula Vista and encouraged to find meaningful and rewarding ways to become involved. Everyone learns and grows at their own pace. Here, you will find the tools and the environment through worship, fellowship, study, and prayer...the change, however, takes place only through the transforming grace of God. Join us in His name, and He will definitely meet you here. At FUMC of Chula Vista, everyone is invited to experience the passion of Christ in a loving, welcoming, and spirit-filled environment. No matter where you are in your search for a relationship with Jesus Christ, our doors are open. We are a diverse, inter-generational family of worshipers with vast experiences and levels of spiritual maturity. We are blessed to share in the knowledge and life lessons of our brothers and sisters.


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