Evergreen Christian Outreach

Non Profit Organization Management, MDW Dr, Evergreen, , 80439, Colorado, 27888, United States, 1-10 Employees


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Evergreen Christian Outreach (EChO) is a non-profit operating in the mountain communities of Jefferson County. The mission of EChO is to provide short term emergency assistance to residen...

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  • 27888 MDW Dr, Evergreen, Colorado, 80439, United States Headquarters: 27888 MDW Dr, Evergreen, Colorado, 80439, United States
  • 1986 Date Founded: 1986
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Non Profit Organization Management

SIC SIC Code: 5932 | NAICS Code: 624410 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Evergreen Christian Outreach

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach's headquarters are located at MDW Dr, Evergreen, , 80439, Colorado, 27888, United States

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach's phone number is 30********

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach's official website is https://evergreenchristianoutreach.org

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach's SIC: 5932

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach's NAICS: 624410

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach has 1-10 employees

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach is in Non Profit Organization Management

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach contact info: Phone number: 30******** Website: https://evergreenchristianoutreach.org

Answer: Evergreen Christian Outreach (EChO) is a non-profit operating in the mountain communities of Jefferson County. The mission of EChO is to provide short term emergency assistance to residents who may be unemployed, underemployed, dealing with long term illness, or experiencing other forms of personal crisis. We operate a food bank, offer clothing assistance, and provide limited financial assistance to residents for rent/mortgage assistance, utilities, phone, car repairs, child care and educational expenses. EChO also operates a Resale shop on Hwy 74 in Evergreen. Donations of clothing, housewares, furniture, and other items are processed, then sold at the store, with all proceeds coming back into EChO and returned to the community

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