EPOCH Financial Group

Epoch Financial Group

Financial Services, 3340 Peachtree Rd Ne Ste 1410, Atlanta, Georgia, 30326, United States, 1-10 Employees


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EPOCH Financial provides debt financing both to companies in sound financial condition and to those that have encountered strategic or operational difficulties that seriously affect their...

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  • 3340 Peachtree Rd Ne Ste 1410, Atlanta, Georgia, 30326, United States Headquarters: 3340 Peachtree Rd Ne Ste 1410, Atlanta, Georgia, 30326, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million

industries-icon Industry: Financial Services

SIC SIC Code: 6159

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding EPOCH Financial Group

Answer: EPOCH Financial Group's headquarters are located at 3340 Peachtree Rd Ne Ste 1410, Atlanta, Georgia, 30326, United States

Answer: EPOCH Financial Group's phone number is 88********

Answer: EPOCH Financial Group's official website is https://epochfinancial.com

Answer: EPOCH Financial Group's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: EPOCH Financial Group's SIC: 6159

Answer: EPOCH Financial Group has 1-10 employees

Answer: EPOCH Financial Group is in Financial Services

Answer: EPOCH Financial Group contact info: Phone number: 88******** Website: https://epochfinancial.com

Answer: EPOCH Financial provides debt financing both to companies in sound financial condition and to those that have encountered strategic or operational difficulties that seriously affect their balance sheets. EPOCH Financials alternative financing expertise lies in integrating several lenders or financing sources to provide the best solution. EPOCH Financial has a successful record of financing complex and difficult situations, particularly those where traditional bank lenders may be reluctant to extend credit or may desire to withdraw from the existing relationship. We work with clients requiring basic financial services such as establishing or replacing a revolving credit line or term loan, and with clients requiring more complex services including structuring mergers, reverse mergers, acquisitions, workouts, equity financing, equity promotion, and executive corporate consulting. A typical EPOCH Financial client has financing needs from $1 million to $100 million+. EPOCH Financials corporate finance clients are companies that have progressed beyond the start-up phase and whose business concept or product(s) have already been adequately proven by experience. We strive to customize financing solutions to best suit each company's needs, whether it is seeking capital to: Complete acquisitions Finance growth Support working capital requirements Provide liquidity to shareholders Complete a recapitalization or balance-sheet restructuring Refinance corporate / company debt Finance commercial real estate EPOCH Financial can provide a broad range of options for financial transactions, including: Senior debt Second lien loans Unitranche debt Subordinated debt Mezzanine or junior debt Convertible debt Term loans Revolving lines of credit Asset-based financing, including accounts receivable financing Cash-flow based financing Bridge loans and other short-term funding

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