Medical Devices, 4 Saddle RDG Rd, Fairfield, Connecticut, 10576, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +18*********
EpitomyzeTM is a team of healthcare and medical imaging experts devoted to revolutionizing the role of clinical photography to help providers clearly and accurately document clinical resu...
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Headquarters: 4 Saddle RDG Rd, Fairfield, Connecticut, 10576, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Industry: Medical Devices
SIC Code: 7371
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Epitomyze
Answer: Epitomyze's headquarters are located at 4 Saddle RDG Rd, Fairfield, Connecticut, 10576, United States
Answer: Epitomyze's phone number is +18*********
Answer: Epitomyze's official website is https://epitomyze.com
Answer: Epitomyze's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Epitomyze's SIC: 7371
Answer: Epitomyze has 1-10 employees
Answer: Epitomyze is in Medical Devices
Answer: Epitomyze contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website: https://epitomyze.com
Answer: EpitomyzeTM is a team of healthcare and medical imaging experts devoted to revolutionizing the role of clinical photography to help providers clearly and accurately document clinical results over time. Our vision is one of industry leadership, comprehensive solutions and simplicity. We deliver a unique software solution that allows mobile devices to gather data representing a patients current and historical photographic information, hardware that enables providers to capture patient images in the highest quality possible and a cloud-based asset management and storage solution that enables them to access, compare and leverage medical images easily and effectively. Clinical photography, its equipment and the resulting data are extremely valuable to medical practitioners, Electronic Health Records, the pharmaceutical and medical device industries and insurance companies, among others. Epitomyze's solutions represent the state-of-the-art for clinical photography and photographic management, across any digital device. The Epitomyze CaptureTM app, Profect Clinical Photography Solutions and our Epitomyze CloudTM digital-asset management platform serve over a thousand users around the world, including Massachusetts General Hospital, Washington University in St. Louis, University of Utah Healthcare and UC San Diego, among others.
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