Episcopal Diocese Of Atlanta

Religious Institutions, 2744 Peachtree Rd Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30305, United States, 51-200 Employees


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Everyone whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual journey is welcome here. Welcome to a vibrant, diverse and expansive faith tradition, with 110 different communities focuse...

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  • 2744 Peachtree Rd Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30305, United States Headquarters: 2744 Peachtree Rd Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30305, United States
  • 1907 Date Founded: 1907
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Religious Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8111 | NAICS Code: 813110 | Show More

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Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta Org Chart and Mapping


Eleni Papadakis

Associate Director of Finance

Wynn Callaway

Associate Director of Administration/Benefits

Kenneth Swanson

Chairperson of Board, Absolam Jones Center for Racial Healing

Holle Tubbs

Director of Diocesan Youth Ministries

Dena Hobbs

Campus Minister to Episcopal and Lutheran Students at Mercer University

Barbara Schroeder

Canon for Administration & Finance

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta's headquarters are located at 2744 Peachtree Rd Nw, Atlanta, Georgia, 30305, United States

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta's phone number is 40********

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta's official website is https://episcopalatlanta.org

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta's SIC: 8111

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta's NAICS: 813110

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta has 51-200 employees

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta is in Religious Institutions

Answer: Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta contact info: Phone number: 40******** Website: https://episcopalatlanta.org

Answer: Everyone whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual journey is welcome here. Welcome to a vibrant, diverse and expansive faith tradition, with 110 different communities focused on worshiping a living and loving God and working for a better world in the name of Jesus Christ. The Diocese of Atlanta is comprised of 110 Episcopal worshiping communities throughout Middle and North Georgia with some 56,000 members. We are the ninth largest of the 110 dioceses of The Episcopal Church. We are a Christian community blessed with vibrancy and variety. Our diocesan bishop is the Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, who was ordained and consecrated on October 13, 2012. The Rt. Rev. Keith B. Whitmore has served as assistant bishop since April 2008. In 2014, The Rt. Rev. Don A. Wimberly joined the bishop visitation schedule for congregations in the Diocese of Atlanta.The Offices of the Bishop are at the Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta, Georgia. We have more than 200 canonically resident clergy, a large number of non-parochial clergy and an abundant supply of lay ministers. The Diocese of Atlanta was created in 1907 from the Diocese of Georgia. Our parishes thrive in the metropolitan areas of Atlanta, Columbus and Macon, as well as in smaller cities, towns and rural communities in the mountains of North Georgia and the lower elevations of Middle Georgia. The oldest church in the diocese is Christ Church in Macon, which was organized in 1825. The newest parish is St. Benedict's in Smyrna, established in 2008. As part of The Episcopal Church, the Diocese of Atlanta is connected to the worldwide Anglican Communion of 70 million people in 38 provinces. We engage in special companion relationships with several dioceses, in Africa and and South America. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to drop us a note. Please write to communications@episcopalatlanta.org, and someone will get back to you promptly.

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