Industrial Automation, Ne 95th St, Vancouver, , 98682, Washington, 12906, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: 50********
We are an engineering-driven sales, distribution and manufacturing organization. Our strength is derived from product, design and support expertise gained over the past 25 years in a wide...
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Headquarters: 12906 Ne 95th St, Vancouver, Washington, 98682, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
Industry: Industrial Automation
SIC Code: 5085
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dymaxis
Answer: Dymaxis's headquarters are located at Ne 95th St, Vancouver, , 98682, Washington, 12906, United States
Answer: Dymaxis's phone number is 50********
Answer: Dymaxis's official website is https://dymaxis.com
Answer: Dymaxis's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: Dymaxis's SIC: 5085
Answer: Dymaxis has 1-10 employees
Answer: Dymaxis is in Industrial Automation
Answer: Dymaxis contact info: Phone number: 50******** Website: https://dymaxis.com
Answer: We are an engineering-driven sales, distribution and manufacturing organization. Our strength is derived from product, design and support expertise gained over the past 25 years in a wide variety of businesses in the automation industry. Our array of experience provides clients an efficient source for automation products as well custom-designed solutions. We are process-driven in all phases of business; sales, design, engineering and support. This results in a lower cost of ownership for our customers. The solutions we provide often include a variety of high-tech, stand-alone products which, when combined, provide our clients an optimized solution for their machine automation needs. Our continued focus on market sectors with customers who demand specialized expertise and support allows us to retain the market strength our founders have developed over the past 25 years.
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