Dwight Consulting
Hospital & Health Care, Sw Sylvan Beach Rd, Vashon, , 98070, Washington, 11120, United States, 1-10 Employees
John Dwight has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry focused on developing and implementing technology driven workflow and process improvements for physicians, nurses an...
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Headquarters: 11120 Sw Sylvan Beach Rd, Vashon, Washington, 98070, United States
Date Founded: 2007
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Hospital & Health Care
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dwight Consulting
Answer: Dwight Consulting's headquarters are located at Sw Sylvan Beach Rd, Vashon, , 98070, Washington, 11120, United States
Answer: Dwight Consulting's official website is https://dwightconsulting.com
Answer: Dwight Consulting's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Dwight Consulting has 1-10 employees
Answer: Dwight Consulting is in Hospital & Health Care
Answer: Dwight Consulting contact info: Phone number: Website: https://dwightconsulting.com
Answer: John Dwight has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry focused on developing and implementing technology driven workflow and process improvements for physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals. His robust experience in hospital administration, consulting and software development makes him uniquely qualified to drive positive outcomes forward. His credibility with leadership and physician partners is a strength and key critical success factor for clinical implementations. As a healthcare consultant, John applies critical thinking to existing approaches and processes, seeking greater gains and better outcomes. Prior to starting his own consulting firm, Mr. Dwight held CIO positions at Seattle Childrens and Providence Medical Center Seattle where he provided strategic direction for IT while leading a significant number of clinical and financial initiatives. Amongst these were clinical information systems deployments including computerized physician order entry (CPOE) focused on patient safety improvements, enterprise resource planning and infrastructure related upgrades.
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