Dropsa spa

Dropsa Spa

Machinery, Claire Ct, Vimodrone, , 48042, Michigan, 15809, United States, 51-200 Employees


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DropsA was founded in 1946 in Milan, Italy, and has become one of the world's leading producers of centralized lubrication systems and components. Experience, technology and innovation ar...

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  • 15809 Claire Ct, Vimodrone, Michigan, 48042, United States Headquarters: 15809 Claire Ct, Vimodrone, Michigan, 48042, United States
  • 1946 Date Founded: 1946
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Machinery

SIC SIC Code: 3569

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Dropsa spa

Answer: Dropsa spa's headquarters are located at Claire Ct, Vimodrone, , 48042, Michigan, 15809, United States

Answer: Dropsa spa's phone number is +15*********

Answer: Dropsa spa's official website is https://dropsa.com

Answer: Dropsa spa's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Dropsa spa's SIC: 3569

Answer: Dropsa spa has 51-200 employees

Answer: Dropsa spa is in Machinery

Answer: Dropsa spa contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website: https://dropsa.com

Answer: DropsA was founded in 1946 in Milan, Italy, and has become one of the world's leading producers of centralized lubrication systems and components. Experience, technology and innovation are at the core of Dropsa's research and of the development of more advanced solutions. The experience and the attention to new technologies, materials and processes, allow us to focus on the different demand coming from specific industry segments and therefore to offer customized solutions to our customers. Thanks to our branches and specialized distribution channels, DropsA is able to give immediate support to customers and to maintain excellent standards worldwide. DropsA nasce nel 1946 a Milano e si e affermata negli anni come uno dei maggiori produttori mondiali di sistemi e componenti per la lubrificazione centralizzata. La consolidata esperienza unita alla competenza tecnologica e alla capacita innovativa costituisce il fulcro della ricerca e del costante sviluppo di nuove soluzioni tecnologiche. L'esperienza e l'attenzione alle nuove tecnologie, ai materiali e ai processi permettono di soddisfare le piu disparate richieste provenienti da specifici segmenti di mercato e quindi offrire soluzioni rapide e personalizzate. Grazie alle filiali e ai canali di distribuzione specializzati, DropsA fornisce risposte tempestive, supporto e assistenza ai clienti a livello locale e globale garantendo gli stessi alti standard qualitativi in tutto il mondo.

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