D Marie
Staffing And Recruiting, 4337 Tennyson St, Denver, Colorado, 80212, United States, 1-10 Employees
DMarie & Company is a national HR recruiting company based in Denver, CO that provides you with distinctive talent to take your company to the next level, whether it is for a short-term p...
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Headquarters: 4337 Tennyson St, Denver, Colorado, 80212, United States
Date Founded: 2009
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Staffing and Recruiting
SIC Code: 7389
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DMarie
Answer: DMarie's headquarters are located at 4337 Tennyson St, Denver, Colorado, 80212, United States
Answer: DMarie's official website is https://dmarieandcompany.com
Answer: DMarie's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: DMarie's SIC: 7389
Answer: DMarie has 1-10 employees
Answer: DMarie is in Staffing and Recruiting
Answer: DMarie contact info: Phone number: Website: https://dmarieandcompany.com
Answer: DMarie & Company is a national HR recruiting company based in Denver, CO that provides you with distinctive talent to take your company to the next level, whether it is for a short-term project or a permanent position. Utilizing a variety of sources, our staff has placed talent at all levels in organizations, ranging from field staff to C-level positions. We believe in building strong, lasting partnerships with our clients and dealing with candidates and clients in an atmosphere of respect and confidentiality at all times. Our services include helping you define the position, sourcing, screening, interviewing candidates and providing post-hire support for every job we represent. We understand the process, procedure, and tools necessary to build a sustainable HR department and have built plenty of them.
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