Diver Sea Fy
Recreational Facilities And Services, 2301 East 7th St, Los Angeles, California, 90023, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +13*********
PreZero US develops closed loop solutions for waste through collaboration. We recycle materials in a way that retains their value and supports a circular economy. The cornerstone of our w...
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Headquarters: 2301 East 7th St, Los Angeles, California, 90023, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
Industry: Recreational Facilities and Services
SIC Code: 2673
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DiverSeaFy
Answer: DiverSeaFy's headquarters are located at 2301 East 7th St, Los Angeles, California, 90023, United States
Answer: DiverSeaFy's phone number is +13*********
Answer: DiverSeaFy's official website is https://diverseafy.org
Answer: DiverSeaFy's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million
Answer: DiverSeaFy's SIC: 2673
Answer: DiverSeaFy has 1-10 employees
Answer: DiverSeaFy is in Recreational Facilities and Services
Answer: DiverSeaFy contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website: https://diverseafy.org
Answer: PreZero US develops closed loop solutions for waste through collaboration. We recycle materials in a way that retains their value and supports a circular economy. The cornerstone of our work is providing end market solutions to waste generators and collectors by building and operating state-of-the-art facilities that convert plastic and organic waste into valuable commodities. PreZero helps businesses, waste haulers and cities with their waste diversion. By finding solutions for both large and small volume generators, we create the biggest possible impact for the future. Going forward, we want to collaborate with partners that share our vision. The ways we collaborate are through strategic buyer and supplier partnerships, joint ventures, investments and acquisitions. Through these activities, PreZero is expanding recycling capacities in the US and building more sustainable future.
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