Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries

Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries

Individual & Family Services, 1022 N Un St, Middletown, Pennsylvania, 17057, United States, 501-1000 Employees


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Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries operates a dozen senior living and housing communities and a range of services for children, youths, families, and older adults in Pennsylvania, directly...

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industries-icon Industry: Individual & Family Services

SIC SIC Code: 8051 | NAICS Code: 813319 | Show More

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Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries Org Chart and Mapping

Scott Habecker

President and Chief Executive Officer


Dawn Houghtaling

Rsvp Program Coordinator

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries's headquarters are located at 1022 N Un St, Middletown, Pennsylvania, 17057, United States

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries's phone number is 57********

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries's official website is https://diakon.org

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries's SIC: 8051

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries's NAICS: 813319

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries has 501-1000 employees

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries is in Individual & Family Services

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries contact info: Phone number: 57******** Website: https://diakon.org

Answer: Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries operates a dozen senior living and housing communities and a range of services for children, youths, families, and older adults in Pennsylvania, directly serving more than 63,000 people annually. Its name meaning one assigned by the church to minister to the needs of others, Diakon Lutheran Social Ministries was formed by the 2000 affiliation of Tressler Lutheran Services of Mechanicsburg, Pa., and Lutheran Services Northeast. Working in several dozen service centers and senior living communities, more than 1,000 Diakon staff members bring hope, hospitality, and healing to thousands of people every day. In addition to several rental-assistance housing complexes, Diakon operates the following senior living communities: Buffalo Valley Lutheran Village, Lewisburg, Pa.; Cumberland Crossings, Carlisle, Pa.; Luther Crest, Allentown, Pa.; The Lutheran Home at Topton, Topton, Pa.

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