Dev Factory
Computer Software, 401 Congress Ave, Austin, Texas, 78701, United States, 1001-5000 Employees
Phone Number: 51********
What can 100 years of manufacturing principles teach us about large-scale software services? In the late 1800s, small teams of craftsmen would build small batches of automobiles together,...
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Headquarters: 401 Congress Ave, Austin, Texas, 78701, United States
Employees: 1001-5000
Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
Industry: Computer Software
SIC Code: 5045
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DevFactory
Answer: DevFactory's headquarters are located at 401 Congress Ave, Austin, Texas, 78701, United States
Answer: DevFactory's phone number is 51********
Answer: DevFactory's official website is https://devfactory.com
Answer: DevFactory's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million
Answer: DevFactory's SIC: 5045
Answer: DevFactory has 1001-5000 employees
Answer: DevFactory is in Computer Software
Answer: DevFactory contact info: Phone number: 51******** Website: https://devfactory.com
Answer: What can 100 years of manufacturing principles teach us about large-scale software services? In the late 1800s, small teams of craftsmen would build small batches of automobiles together, from scratch. These teams would handle everything from vehicle construction even to maintenance, since they had unique knowledge about each of these amazingly unique cars. When Henry Ford implemented mass production, concepts like a moving assembly line, interchangeable parts, and purpose-built machine tools changed the entire automotive industry forever. Cars simultaneously became dramatically higher quality and exponentially less expensive. The world hasnt looked back. Fast-forward 100 years and into the world of large-scale IT Services. Work is still managed on hourly labor rates, there is little true investment in process and tools, and projects are staffed with generalists instead of trained specialists. A wave of outsourcing provided a one-time cost drop due to labor arbitrage, but little improvement has been seen in quality and no ongoing cost improvements. DevFactory takes IT software services out of the dark ages bringing radical cost savings to large businesses while simultaneously delivering a fundamentally higher quality product. It turns out, it's never a bad idea to use such proven principles as assembly lines, specialized machine tooling, lean manufacturing, kaizen, kanban, continuous integration, and continuous quality. DevFactory is a division of Trilogy, one of the worlds largest privately held enterprise software companies. Since 2008, Trilogy has been acquiring enterprise software firms, turning them around, and delivering phenomenal value for their customers. DevFactory provides R&D services to all of Trilogys businesses using a unique centralized model for software development and delivery. We have a fully-global, fully-remote workforce and has partnered with Crossover to administer our talent screening and global workforce management.
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