
Dakota Mb

Food Production, 4014 15th Ave, Fargo, North Dakota, 58102, United States, 51-200 Employees


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phone no Phone Number: 92********


DakotaMB is a family-owned business in Americas heartland that has partnered with some of the largest bakeries, snack producers and cereal manufacturers in the world. Weve merged two stro...

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industries-icon Industry: Food Production

SIC SIC Code: 2043

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DakotaMB Org Chart and Mapping

Peter Matthaei

Chief Executive Officer


Lora Stone

Vice President of Safety, Quality

David Breznay

Vice President Organizational Development

Erik Barwicki

Vice President Operations

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding DakotaMB

Answer: DakotaMB's headquarters are located at 4014 15th Ave, Fargo, North Dakota, 58102, United States

Answer: DakotaMB's phone number is 92********

Answer: DakotaMB's official website is https://dakotamb.com

Answer: DakotaMB's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: DakotaMB's SIC: 2043

Answer: DakotaMB has 51-200 employees

Answer: DakotaMB is in Food Production

Answer: DakotaMB contact info: Phone number: 92******** Website: https://dakotamb.com

Answer: DakotaMB is a family-owned business in Americas heartland that has partnered with some of the largest bakeries, snack producers and cereal manufacturers in the world. Weve merged two strong companies, Dakota Specialty Milling and Dakota Blenders, into DakotaMB to better serve our customers with custom blends and mixes.


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