Custo Matrix

Executive Office, 215 S Hwy 101 Ste 116, San Diego, California, 92075, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Vision: Transforming the way companies build wealth. Mission: We build healthy, growing and resilient businesses that deliver successful futures. As an executive consulting firm consistin...

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industries-icon Industry: Executive Office

SIC SIC Code: 7373 | NAICS Code: 541611 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding CUSTOMatrix

Answer: CUSTOMatrix's headquarters are located at 215 S Hwy 101 Ste 116, San Diego, California, 92075, United States

Answer: CUSTOMatrix's phone number is 85********

Answer: CUSTOMatrix's official website is

Answer: CUSTOMatrix's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: CUSTOMatrix's SIC: 7373

Answer: CUSTOMatrix's NAICS: 541611

Answer: CUSTOMatrix has 51-200 employees

Answer: CUSTOMatrix is in Executive Office

Answer: CUSTOMatrix contact info: Phone number: 85******** Website:

Answer: Vision: Transforming the way companies build wealth. Mission: We build healthy, growing and resilient businesses that deliver successful futures. As an executive consulting firm consisting of accomplished experts in a diverse array of fields, CUSTOMatrix has been assisting privately held and family-owned businesses since our incorporation in 2005. On average, our multidisciplinary team members have well over 20 years of experience working in their areas of expertise. Our unique style is based on our collective knowledge and skills, with a key focus on finance and accounting, as well as executive and leadership development. Together, we devise comprehensive solutions and create a winning formula that lines your business up for continued success.

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