CURE Childhood Cancer

Cure Childhood Cancer

Non Profit Organization Management, 2800 Crystal Dr, Atlanta, Georgia, 22202, United States, 11-50 Employees

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CURE is dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through funding targeted research while supporting patients and their families. CURE got its start in 1975 when Dr. Abdel Ragab gathered t...

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industries-icon Industry: Non Profit Organization Management

SIC SIC Code: 9511 | NAICS Code: 624221 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding CURE Childhood Cancer

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer's headquarters are located at 2800 Crystal Dr, Atlanta, Georgia, 22202, United States

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer's phone number is 77********

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer's official website is

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer's SIC: 9511

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer's NAICS: 624221

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer has 11-50 employees

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer is in Non Profit Organization Management

Answer: CURE Childhood Cancer contact info: Phone number: 77******** Website:

Answer: CURE is dedicated to conquering childhood cancer through funding targeted research while supporting patients and their families. CURE got its start in 1975 when Dr. Abdel Ragab gathered together a group of parents of childhood cancer patients to raise money to further pediatric oncology research and establish a support network for families facing childhood cancer. Since that time, CURE has made significant contributions in the advance toward curing childhood cancer and has also provided critical support to thousands of families and children battling childhood cancer. As an organization, we are committed to transparency, accountability, and efficiency. As such, CURE Childhood Cancer has been given Charity Navigator's coveted 4-star rating for 13 consecutive years. Only 1% of charities have received at least 13 consecutive 4-star evaluations. CURE fills a vital role in our local community, but CUREs reach goes far beyond, advancing research that has the potential for widespread application in the quest to cure childhood cancer. As a result of funding by CURE, new therapies and drugs continue to be tested, and collaborations formed which continue to make headway in the battle against childhood cancer and ultimately finding a cure.

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