Cuddon Freeze Dry

Cuddon Freeze Dry

Machinery, 225 Brookside BLVD, Blenheim, Pennsylvania, 15241, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Cuddon Freeze Dry has been developing and manufacturing freeze drying and vacuum drying equipment since 1963. With over 50 years experience and expert consideration of all the factors nec...

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  • 225 Brookside BLVD, Blenheim, Pennsylvania, 15241, United States Headquarters: 225 Brookside BLVD, Blenheim, Pennsylvania, 15241, United States
  • 1963 Date Founded: 1963
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Machinery

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cuddon Freeze Dry

Answer: Cuddon Freeze Dry's headquarters are located at 225 Brookside BLVD, Blenheim, Pennsylvania, 15241, United States

Answer: Cuddon Freeze Dry's phone number is +64********

Answer: Cuddon Freeze Dry's official website is

Answer: Cuddon Freeze Dry's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Cuddon Freeze Dry has 51-200 employees

Answer: Cuddon Freeze Dry is in Machinery

Answer: Cuddon Freeze Dry contact info: Phone number: +64******** Website:

Answer: Cuddon Freeze Dry has been developing and manufacturing freeze drying and vacuum drying equipment since 1963. With over 50 years experience and expert consideration of all the factors necessary for optimum freeze drying results, our products are highly respected around the world. Cuddon Freeze Dry products are the benchmark for quality in sublimation solutions. Our dryers are exported world-wide as turnkey projects and supported by local networks and online control system support. Cuddon manage the delivery, onsite installation, commissioning, staff training and supply documentation. Spare sets of product trays and tray trolleys are included allowing optimal turn around and utilisation of the equipment. Cuddon freeze dryers are for general purpose and are widely used for the following applications: - Food Processing (dairy, fruit, vegetables, meat and fish etc.) - Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical manufacture - Pilot research plants such as Universities - Disaster recovery / document drying


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