Craig Communications

Craig Communications

Public Relations And Communications, 66 Franklin St, Oakland, California, 94607, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Craig Communications is a small, woman-owned, communications company known for innovative public outreach programs that produce measurable results. We have designed and implemented over 6...

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  • 66 Franklin St, Oakland, California, 94607, United States Headquarters: 66 Franklin St, Oakland, California, 94607, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million

industries-icon Industry: Public Relations and Communications

SIC SIC Code: 4899 | NAICS Code: 517919 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Craig Communications

Answer: Craig Communications's headquarters are located at 66 Franklin St, Oakland, California, 94607, United States

Answer: Craig Communications's phone number is +15*********

Answer: Craig Communications's official website is

Answer: Craig Communications's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Craig Communications's SIC: 4899

Answer: Craig Communications's NAICS: 517919

Answer: Craig Communications has 1-10 employees

Answer: Craig Communications is in Public Relations and Communications

Answer: Craig Communications contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:

Answer: Craig Communications is a small, woman-owned, communications company known for innovative public outreach programs that produce measurable results. We have designed and implemented over 600 community relations programs in support of large-scale environmental, construction and planning projects. We have a proven reputation for engaging stakeholders by giving them the time, attention, and information they need to understand and participate in project planning and implementation. Our communications strategies are comprehensive, diverse, and carefully targeted to the needs and interests of various audiences. Products and services include communications and public affairs consulting and strategy development, third-party facilitation, process design, facts sheets, newsletters, and web content. We work hard, treat others with courtesy and respect, and give back to the communities we live and work in. Paying it forward is part of our culture. Let us help you increase your odds of a winning project by creating a strong communications strategy that identifies your public and the best ways to reach them, clarifies your message, provides opportunities for informed input, and garners broad public support.

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