Veterinary, 7 Custom House St, Portland, , 4101, Maine, United States, 5001-10000 Employees
Phone Number: +18*********
Covetrus is a global animal-health technology and services company dedicated to empowering veterinary practice partners to drive better financial and clinical outcomes. Were bringing toge...
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Headquarters: 7 Custom House St, Portland, Maine, 4101, United States
Employees: 5001-10000
Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
Industry: Veterinary
SIC Code: 0742
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Covetrus
Answer: Covetrus's headquarters are located at 7 Custom House St, Portland, , 4101, Maine, United States
Answer: Covetrus's phone number is +18*********
Answer: Covetrus's official website is https://covetrus.com
Answer: Covetrus's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million
Answer: Covetrus's SIC: 0742
Answer: Covetrus has 5001-10000 employees
Answer: Covetrus is in Veterinary
Answer: Covetrus contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website: https://covetrus.com
Answer: Covetrus is a global animal-health technology and services company dedicated to empowering veterinary practice partners to drive better financial and clinical outcomes. Were bringing together products, services, and technology into a single platform that connects our customers to the solutions and insights they need to work best. Our passion for the well-being of animals and those who care for them drives us to advance the world of veterinary medicine. Covetrus is headquartered in Portland, Maine, with more than 5,500 employees, serving over 100,000 customers around the globe.
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