Covenant Harbor

Covenant Harbor

Religious Institutions, 1724 West Main Street, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 53147, United States, 11-50 Employees

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We are a place for both winter and summer youth camps where we serve thousands of kids from all over the United States. During our summer camps we serve over 2,500 kids and winter camps w...

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  • 1724 West Main Street, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 53147, United States Headquarters: 1724 West Main Street, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 53147, United States
  • 1947 Date Founded: 1947
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Religious Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 6733 | NAICS Code: 611620 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Covenant Harbor

Answer: Covenant Harbor's headquarters are located at 1724 West Main Street, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, 53147, United States

Answer: Covenant Harbor's phone number is 26********

Answer: Covenant Harbor's official website is

Answer: Covenant Harbor's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Covenant Harbor's SIC: 6733

Answer: Covenant Harbor's NAICS: 611620

Answer: Covenant Harbor has 11-50 employees

Answer: Covenant Harbor is in Religious Institutions

Answer: Covenant Harbor contact info: Phone number: 26******** Website:

Answer: We are a place for both winter and summer youth camps where we serve thousands of kids from all over the United States. During our summer camps we serve over 2,500 kids and winter camps we serve over 1,000 kids. Each program is dedicated to reaching people for Christ and encouraging students to love others. Throughout the year, we serve schools outdoor education needs. We have schools from Illinois and Wisconsin to join us for day long trips or several night trips. Each program is fitted to meet the specific needs of each school. We are open year-round to guest groups for weekend, mid-week and week-long camps, conferences and retreats. We can accommodate up to 489 guests during warmer months and 364 guests year-round. Several smaller guest groups can easily be accommodated at the same time. Our 52 acres on the north shore of Geneva Lake were historically the site of an exclusive private estate. In this beautiful setting, Covenant Harbor has established a long tradition of personal, caring service to individuals, churches, schools and non-profit organizations. Many guests consider Covenant Harbor their home some guests returning here for over 25 years!

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