Corebridge Financial

Corebridge Financial

Financial Services, 125 Olema Bolinas Rd, Houston, Texas, 94924, United States, 10001+ Employees

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industries-icon Industry: Financial Services

SIC SIC Code: 6371 | NAICS Code: 524292 | Show More

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Corebridge Financial Org Chart and Mapping

Jacqueline Campbell

Senior Executive Assistant to President & CEO


Kate Fuentes

General Counsel and SVP of Sunamerica Asset Management, Deputy General Counsel, Corebridge Financial

Simon Leech

SVP Amarillo Retirement Operations

Doug Weatherwax

Head of Data Science and Automated Underwriting, SVP


Alex Li

Sr Analyst, Investment Analytics

Michael Bailey

Chief Financial Officer, Global Life

Mauricio Montoya

Assistant Vice President

Mike Brennan

Deputy General Counsel

Marisol Purcell

Senior Manager - Compliance Testing

Clint Hyland

Divisional Vice President

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  • 1001-5000 1001-5000
  • 500 Million to 1 Billion $ 500 Million to 1 Billion
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Corebridge Financial

Answer: Corebridge Financial's headquarters are located at 125 Olema Bolinas Rd, Houston, Texas, 94924, United States

Answer: Corebridge Financial's phone number is +14*********

Answer: Corebridge Financial's official website is

Answer: Corebridge Financial's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: Corebridge Financial's SIC: 6371

Answer: Corebridge Financial's NAICS: 524292

Answer: Corebridge Financial has 10001+ employees

Answer: Corebridge Financial is in Financial Services

Answer: Corebridge Financial top competitors include: VALIC

Answer: Corebridge Financial contact info: Phone number: +14********* Website:


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