Corcoran Caterers

Corcoran Caterers

Food & Beverages, 2401 Montgomery Street, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Corcoran Caterers was founded in 1984 by Chuck Corcoran. Chucks passion for creating outstanding cuisine and combining it with impeccable service has set his company apart from other cate...

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  • 2401 Montgomery Street, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910, United States Headquarters: 2401 Montgomery Street, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910, United States
  • 1984 Date Founded: 1984
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Food & Beverages

SIC SIC Code: 5812 | NAICS Code: 722320 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Corcoran Caterers

Answer: Corcoran Caterers's headquarters are located at 2401 Montgomery Street, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910, United States

Answer: Corcoran Caterers's phone number is 30********

Answer: Corcoran Caterers's official website is

Answer: Corcoran Caterers's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Corcoran Caterers's SIC: 5812

Answer: Corcoran Caterers's NAICS: 722320

Answer: Corcoran Caterers has 51-200 employees

Answer: Corcoran Caterers is in Food & Beverages

Answer: Corcoran Caterers contact info: Phone number: 30******** Website:

Answer: Corcoran Caterers was founded in 1984 by Chuck Corcoran. Chucks passion for creating outstanding cuisine and combining it with impeccable service has set his company apart from other caterers ever since. From our humble beginnings to where we are today, operating out of a state-of-the-art 10,000 square foot facility and serving the needs of our corporate and individual clients, our focus remains on building the relationships that allow us to bring the uniqueness of each event forward. From the start, Corcoran Caterers has focused on long-lasting relationships with our clients through great passion, quality and character. Still today, we infuse our love for food in everything we do, from its artful preparation and presentation, to the world-class service of our employees, to the joyful consummation of a culinary event. Our family oriented atmosphere, knowledgeable staff and outstanding record of service are among the many reasons why Corcoran has become widely recognized as a preeminent catering company in the D.C. area. An unwavering focus in providing exceptional food and flawless execution, no matter the size or scope required, is a great source of pride for our company.

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