Cook, Bradford & Levy
Law Practice, 2590 Trailridge Dr E Ste 202, Lafayette, Colorado, 80026, United States, 1-10 Employees
Phone Number: +13*********
At Cook, Bradford & Levy, LLC, we are personal injury lawyers who regularly stand up for our clients against the country's largest insurance companies and government entities. Our clients...
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Headquarters: 2590 Trailridge Dr E Ste 202, Lafayette, Colorado, 80026, United States
Employees: 1-10
Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
Industry: Law Practice
SIC Code: 81
NAICS Code: 54 |
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cook, Bradford & Levy
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy's headquarters are located at 2590 Trailridge Dr E Ste 202, Lafayette, Colorado, 80026, United States
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy's phone number is +13*********
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy's official website is
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy's SIC: 81
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy's NAICS: 54
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy has 1-10 employees
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy is in Law Practice
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy top competitors include: Galvanize Law , Whitcomb, Selinsky, PC
Answer: Cook, Bradford & Levy contact info: Phone number: +13********* Website:
Answer: At Cook, Bradford & Levy, LLC, we are personal injury lawyers who regularly stand up for our clients against the country's largest insurance companies and government entities. Our clients come from across the State of Colorado, with a particular focus on the Boulder and Denver regions. We pride ourselves in helping our clients recover from serious injuries or death caused by the negligence or recklessness of others. We represent our clients in matters ranging from nursing home negligence and abuse to car, bicycle, motorcycle and truck accidents, as well as premises liability claims, claims against bars and taverns, and insurance bad faith claims. Our lawyers have earned a remarkable record of success over the years, recovering millions of dollars for our clients and holding at fault parties accountable. If you or a loved one has been injured or killed due to the negligence or recklessness of another person, nursing home, or other business, we encourage you to reach out to us at 303-543-1000 for a free consultation. At Cook, Bradford & Levy, LLC, our lawyers are here to help.
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