Combined Benefits Group

Combined Benefits Group

Insurance, 1202 Lakeway Dr, Austin, Texas, 78734, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Combined Benefits Group (CBG) is a full service, 3rd party benefits administrator, currently working with school districts, governmental organizations and other brokers and agencies to pr...

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  • 1202 Lakeway Dr, Austin, Texas, 78734, United States Headquarters: 1202 Lakeway Dr, Austin, Texas, 78734, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million

industries-icon Industry: Insurance

SIC SIC Code: 8742

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Combined Benefits Group

Answer: Combined Benefits Group's headquarters are located at 1202 Lakeway Dr, Austin, Texas, 78734, United States

Answer: Combined Benefits Group's phone number is +15*********

Answer: Combined Benefits Group's official website is

Answer: Combined Benefits Group's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: Combined Benefits Group's SIC: 8742

Answer: Combined Benefits Group has 1-10 employees

Answer: Combined Benefits Group is in Insurance

Answer: Combined Benefits Group contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website:

Answer: Combined Benefits Group (CBG) is a full service, 3rd party benefits administrator, currently working with school districts, governmental organizations and other brokers and agencies to provide services in Texas, Florida and New Mexico. CBG designs personalized benefit programs for our clients and provide all administrative solutions required. This is to ensure that their benefit program is properly communicated to their employees while keeping the employer 100% compliant with state and federal laws and regulations. A sample of the services CBG provides include online enrollment and administration systems, section 125 administration, retirement plan administration, COBRA, ACA reporting compliance and consolidated billing for convenience. From an employees perspective CBG provides benefits 24/7 through online benefit portal, educational videos benefit guides, and face-to-face enrollment counselors to support the benefit program and assist employees with making educated decisions. CBG's team of specialists are client attentive and aim to provide clients with the most valuable all around experience.


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