Coastal Windows & Exteriors

Coastal Windows & Exteriors

Construction, 236 Cabot St, Beverly, Massachusetts, 01915, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Coastal Windows & Exteriors has more than 50 years of combined experience in the home improvement industry. After witnessing many positive & negative experiences David Vanderbilt decided ...

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  • 236 Cabot St, Beverly, Massachusetts, 01915, United States Headquarters: 236 Cabot St, Beverly, Massachusetts, 01915, United States
  • 2011 Date Founded: 2011
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $25 Million to $50 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Construction

SIC SIC Code: 5031 | NAICS Code: 236116 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Coastal Windows & Exteriors

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors's headquarters are located at 236 Cabot St, Beverly, Massachusetts, 01915, United States

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors's phone number is 97********

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors's official website is

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors's revenue is $25 Million to $50 Million

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors's SIC: 5031

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors's NAICS: 236116

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors has 11-50 employees

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors is in Construction

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors contact info: Phone number: 97******** Website:

Answer: Coastal Windows & Exteriors has more than 50 years of combined experience in the home improvement industry. After witnessing many positive & negative experiences David Vanderbilt decided to create a business known for its customer service & quality workmanship. He knew that a home improvement company that did everything the right way would stand out & earn respect as well as repeat & referral business. He also knew the perfect person to own the company his wife. When David asked Stephanie if she wanted to own the business, it was a difficult decision. She had a great career as a Teacher of the Deaf. As a Teacher of the Deaf, empathy always has come naturally and was the core to her career. She always took things an extra step. It wasnt enough to just help students communicate better, she worked with the peers as well as the teachers to understand what it was like to be deaf and how best to communicate with them. Thus in turn, the students could better accept & embrace their deaf identity. Stephanie, eventually left teaching. Coastal Windows & Exteriors became her full-time empathy outlet. Simply satisfying the customer would not be enough. Instead, they would create an experience that wowed customers, had them raving to others & make them loyal, lifetime customers. Coastal Windows & Exteriors delivers quality workmanship EVERY day for EVERY job. This coupled with a focus on education & empathy has led to a successful & truly exceptional customer service-based business.

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