Cma Insurance Agency
Insurance, Gainesville, Georgia, 30503, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: +17*********
CMA Agency, Inc., incorporated 1994, is the result of a merger between Morgan-Parker Company, a property and casualty agency established in Atlanta over 50 years ago and the Wallace and C...
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Headquarters: Gainesville, Georgia, 30503, United States
Date Founded: 1994
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Insurance
SIC Code: 6411
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding CMA Insurance Agency
Answer: CMA Insurance Agency's headquarters are located at Gainesville, Georgia, 30503, United States
Answer: CMA Insurance Agency's phone number is +17*********
Answer: CMA Insurance Agency's official website is
Answer: CMA Insurance Agency's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million
Answer: CMA Insurance Agency's SIC: 6411
Answer: CMA Insurance Agency has 11-50 employees
Answer: CMA Insurance Agency is in Insurance
Answer: CMA Insurance Agency contact info: Phone number: +17********* Website:
Answer: CMA Agency, Inc., incorporated 1994, is the result of a merger between Morgan-Parker Company, a property and casualty agency established in Atlanta over 50 years ago and the Wallace and Christopher Agency, a life and health agency established in Gainesville in 1975. The agency was consolidated to one office in 1994. This merger created an agency capable of providing our clients with a wide range of insurance products through a single agency contact. The combination of two generations and over 200 years experience allows CMA to have the expertise to manage our clients insurance needs. CMA Agency, Inc., is a full service agency offering a wide spectrum of professional services ranging from large corporate accounts to individual policies. CMA is an aggressive company, doing innovative work in areas such as Workers Compensation, Managed Care, Section 125 and Health Savings Accounts. Our agents pride themselves in the professional service they offer We do not work for the insurance company; we work for you. We represent a carefully selected group of financially sound, reputable insurance companies allowing us to offer the best coverage at the most competitive price. With the insurance industry changing so dramatically, its important that you put your trust in an agency with technical experience and a commitment to quality. At CMA, we take pride in providing our clients with the most professional and proficient assistance available. Our goal is to build a rapport - a partnership with you, the insurance carrier and our staff, a relationship based on mutual trust and service.
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