Clinect Healthcare
Hospital & Health Care, Brixham Hl Ave, Charlotte, , 28277, North Carolina, 15720, United States, 11-50 Employees
Clinect Healthcare provides visibility, insight and management of the patient experience. As a Patient Experience Platform, Clinect enables healthcare organizations to collect, interpret ...
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- Headquarters: 15720 Brixham Hl Ave, Charlotte, North Carolina, 28277, United States
- Date Founded: 2012
- Employees: 11-50
- Revenue: $1 Million to $5 Million
- Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Hospital & Health Care
SIC Code: 6211 | NAICS Code: 524126 | Show More
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Clinect Healthcare
Answer: Clinect Healthcare's headquarters are located at Brixham Hl Ave, Charlotte, , 28277, North Carolina, 15720, United States
Answer: Clinect Healthcare's official website is
Answer: Clinect Healthcare's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million
Answer: Clinect Healthcare's SIC: 6211
Answer: Clinect Healthcare's NAICS: 524126
Answer: Clinect Healthcare has 11-50 employees
Answer: Clinect Healthcare is in Hospital & Health Care
Answer: Clinect Healthcare contact info: Phone number: Website:
Answer: Clinect Healthcare provides visibility, insight and management of the patient experience. As a Patient Experience Platform, Clinect enables healthcare organizations to collect, interpret and act on critical patient feedback before its too late. The Clinect platform is coupled to practice management solutions to gather patient encounter information, which then enables patients to respond to targeted questions and provide feedback. Patients can respond from anywhere and at any time even moments after an encounter is complete. Real-time alerts, dashboards and analytics provide insight into the patient experience. The results are immediate, and the insight gained is immeasurable. When 60% of dissatisfied patients will not return to a practice, understanding the patient experience is important, but being able to respond before its too late is what matters most. Practices can no longer wait for results from older and outdated feedback services. Our web-based solution provides you access to data 24/7 in the form of interactive reports and dashboards. Our automated reporting tool emails reports to the appropriate staff members on a schedule that matters most to YOU. Our comprehensive analytics provide: Patient comment reports including analyzed text for most frequently used words Clinical Outcomes Reporting Provider Clinical Comparisons Nationwide Benchmarking Location Based Reporting Staff Productively Reporting Provider Ranking Scoring Executive Summary Trending Reports
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