City of Eudora

City Of Eudora

Government Administration, 4 East 7th St, Eudora, Kansas, 66025, United States, 51-200 Employees

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phone no Phone Number: 17*********


The City of Eudora, Kansas is located about 6 miles east of Lawrence, Kansas and 40 miles west of Kansas City, Kansas on Kansas Highway 10. The City covers an area of approximately 2.89 s...

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  • 4 East 7th St, Eudora, Kansas, 66025, United States Headquarters: 4 East 7th St, Eudora, Kansas, 66025, United States
  • 1857 Date Founded: 1857
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Government Administration

SIC SIC Code: 9161 | NAICS Code: 921140 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding City of Eudora

Answer: City of Eudora's headquarters are located at 4 East 7th St, Eudora, Kansas, 66025, United States

Answer: City of Eudora's phone number is 17*********

Answer: City of Eudora's official website is

Answer: City of Eudora's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: City of Eudora's SIC: 9161

Answer: City of Eudora's NAICS: 921140

Answer: City of Eudora has 51-200 employees

Answer: City of Eudora is in Government Administration

Answer: City of Eudora contact info: Phone number: 17********* Website:

Answer: The City of Eudora, Kansas is located about 6 miles east of Lawrence, Kansas and 40 miles west of Kansas City, Kansas on Kansas Highway 10. The City covers an area of approximately 2.89 square miles. While conveniently located near the many amenities of a university community and a metropolitan area, the City of Eudora retains a distinct small town atmosphere and remains an attractive place to raise a family The City of Eudora operates as a commission-manager form of government. The City Commission is made up of five Eudora residents who are elected at large by the residents of the City. The governing body is responsible for passing resolutions and ordinances, establishing policies for the city, and approving the city's annual budget. The City of Eudora is located in Douglas County, Kansas.


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