![Chelmsford Public Schools](https://gocience.com/logos/new/108006fca20a4f4225b048abbe503a826ef6b5e1d2edd71cb848a57399f8c2d1.jpg)
Chelmsford Public Schools
Education Management, 230 North Rd, Chelmsford, Massachusetts, 01824, United States, 5001-10000 Employees
Phone Number: 97********
The mission of the Chelmsford Public Schools is to cultivate inspired, creative, and well-rounded lifelong learners who possess the integrity and self-direction necessary to be contributi...
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Headquarters: 230 North Rd, Chelmsford, Massachusetts, 01824, United States
Date Founded: 1925
Employees: 5001-10000
Revenue: $250 Million to $500 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Education Management
SIC Code: 4911
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Chelmsford Public Schools
Answer: Chelmsford Public Schools's headquarters are located at 230 North Rd, Chelmsford, Massachusetts, 01824, United States
Answer: Chelmsford Public Schools's phone number is 97********
Answer: Chelmsford Public Schools's official website is https://chelmsfordschools.org
Answer: Chelmsford Public Schools's revenue is $250 Million to $500 Million
Answer: Chelmsford Public Schools's SIC: 4911
Answer: Chelmsford Public Schools has 5001-10000 employees
Answer: Chelmsford Public Schools is in Education Management
Answer: Chelmsford Public Schools contact info: Phone number: 97******** Website: https://chelmsfordschools.org
Answer: The mission of the Chelmsford Public Schools is to cultivate inspired, creative, and well-rounded lifelong learners who possess the integrity and self-direction necessary to be contributing community members. The Chelmsford Public Schools provide all students with multiple pathways to optimize their own potential for academic excellence, leadership, and social and emotional wellness. Teachers work from a rigorous curriculum that is aligned with state standards incorporating the common core, and they use multiple forms of data that informs innovative approaches to teaching. Student success is anchored in the high expectations of teachers who are part of a professional, collaborative culture that demands a continuous focus on instructional improvement. Every student feels safe, cared for, and appropriately challenged and supported in schools that are fully staffed and technologically integrated. Student successes are celebrated within and across schools as well as throughout the broader community. Parents and the community are connected to the daily life of Chelmsford schools through consistent, multidirectional and multi-modal communication, which builds external support for and pride in the district, schools, teachers, and students. As a result of high quality teaching, meaningful partnerships, and well-resourced schools, students contribute to the Chelmsford community as self-directed, creative, and inspired learners who are ready to tackle contemporary issues.
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