Cedar and Oak

Cedar And Oak

Construction, Galleria Circle, Bee Cave, , 78738, Texas, 13330, United States, 1-10 Employees


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The name Cedar and Oak came from the idea that in Austin, and in our own lives, there are cedars and there are oaks. Cedars spread quickly, and if left unchecked they can take over and cr...

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  • 13330 Galleria Circle, Bee Cave, Texas, 78738, United States Headquarters: 13330 Galleria Circle, Bee Cave, Texas, 78738, United States
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
  • Holt Williamson CEO:   Holt Williamson

industries-icon Industry: Construction

SIC SIC Code: 7371 | NAICS Code: 541511 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cedar and Oak

Answer: Cedar and Oak's headquarters are located at Galleria Circle, Bee Cave, , 78738, Texas, 13330, United States

Answer: Cedar and Oak's phone number is +15*********

Answer: Cedar and Oak's official website is https://cedarandoakhomes.com

Answer: Cedar and Oak's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million

Answer: Cedar and Oak's SIC: 7371

Answer: Cedar and Oak's NAICS: 541511

Answer: Cedar and Oak has 1-10 employees

Answer: Cedar and Oak is in Construction

Answer: Cedar and Oak contact info: Phone number: +15********* Website: https://cedarandoakhomes.com

Answer: The name Cedar and Oak came from the idea that in Austin, and in our own lives, there are cedars and there are oaks. Cedars spread quickly, and if left unchecked they can take over and crowd out other trees by stealing water and other resources. Oaks, on the other hand, are a protected tree here in Austin and once they reach a certain size, they are considered a heritage tree. This is our goal. In family and in business we want to identify the cedars in order to pave a way for the oaks to grow. We desire to see the things worth protecting flourish, not only in the restoration of homes here in Austin, but in the lives of people here as well.


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