Cascades Raptor Center
Museums And Institutions, Fox Hollow Rd, Eugene, , 97405, Oregon, 32275, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: 54********
Through wildlife rehabilitation and public education, the Cascades Raptor Center fosters a connection between people and birds of prey. Our goal is to help the human part of the natural c...
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- Headquarters: 32275 Fox Hollow Rd, Eugene, Oregon, 97405, United States
- Date Founded: 1991
- Employees: 11-50
- Revenue: $100 Million to $250 Million
- Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Museums and Institutions
SIC Code: 7999 | NAICS Code: 621111 | Show More
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cascades Raptor Center
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center's headquarters are located at Fox Hollow Rd, Eugene, , 97405, Oregon, 32275, United States
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center's phone number is 54********
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center's official website is
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center's revenue is $100 Million to $250 Million
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center's SIC: 7999
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center's NAICS: 621111
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center has 11-50 employees
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center is in Museums and Institutions
Answer: Cascades Raptor Center contact info: Phone number: 54******** Website:
Answer: Through wildlife rehabilitation and public education, the Cascades Raptor Center fosters a connection between people and birds of prey. Our goal is to help the human part of the natural community learn to value, understand, and honor the role of wildlife in preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the Pacific Northwest. To accomplish this, the Raptor Center focuses on two things: REHABILITATION and release of orphaned, sick, and injured wildlife, primarily birds of prey (raptors), using the highest standards of medical treatment and care, and the best facilities possible. PUBLIC EDUCATION designed to enhance the awareness, respect, appreciation, and care of the earth and all its inhabitants so critical for a balanced and healthy planet. The Raptor Centers large collection of resident birds used in programming creates a positive, first-hand experience of wildlife through on-site visits to our Nature Center and off-site presentations and exhibits at schools and public events.
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