Casas de Luz

Casas De Luz

Civic & Social Organization, 1036 Solana Dr, Solana Beach, California, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Since 2005, Casas de Luz has worked to give communities in Tijuana a starting point from which they can achieve their true potential. Casas de Luz (CDL) started small, building one home a...

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  • 1036 Solana Dr, Solana Beach, California, United States Headquarters: 1036 Solana Dr, Solana Beach, California, United States
  • 2005 Date Founded: 2005
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Casas de Luz

Answer: Casas de Luz's headquarters are located at 1036 Solana Dr, Solana Beach, California, United States

Answer: Casas de Luz's phone number is 85********

Answer: Casas de Luz's official website is

Answer: Casas de Luz's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Casas de Luz has 51-200 employees

Answer: Casas de Luz is in Civic & Social Organization

Answer: Casas de Luz contact info: Phone number: 85******** Website:

Answer: Since 2005, Casas de Luz has worked to give communities in Tijuana a starting point from which they can achieve their true potential. Casas de Luz (CDL) started small, building one home a year and spending the majority of the time fundraising and delivering donations. Since then, CDL has grown exponentially; we have built over 90 homes and in 2017 we built 20 homes and delivered over 100 truck loads of donations. CDL began under the leadership of Kathy Faller who had previously done similar work through a couple of organizations. In 2005, in an effort to find a more inexpensive way to build homes, Kathy went out on her own and created what is now Casas de Luz. Through the help of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of San Dieguito (UUFSD), Casas de Luz started as a Social Action Project for the members of the fellowship to participate in. Over the years interest grew, along with the overall organization, and is now a well known organization in Solana Beach and surrounding areas. Today CDL is still an affiliate of UUFSD and appreciates all the support that they offer the organization.


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