Casa Teresa

Casa Teresa

Non Profit Organization Management, 234 N Glassell St, Orange, California, 92856, United States, 11-50 Employees

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Casa Teresa provides pregnant women in crisis a loving home to begin their healing journey. With a trusted and compassionate team of professionals and a proven Residential Program, our mo...

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  • 234 N Glassell St, Orange, California, 92856, United States Headquarters: 234 N Glassell St, Orange, California, 92856, United States
  • 11-50 Employees: 11-50
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $5 Million to $10 Million
  • Lisa Wood CEO:   Lisa Wood

industries-icon Industry: Non Profit Organization Management

SIC SIC Code: 8322

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Casa Teresa

Answer: Casa Teresa's headquarters are located at 234 N Glassell St, Orange, California, 92856, United States

Answer: Casa Teresa's phone number is 71********

Answer: Casa Teresa's official website is

Answer: Casa Teresa's revenue is $5 Million to $10 Million

Answer: Casa Teresa's SIC: 8322

Answer: Casa Teresa has 11-50 employees

Answer: Casa Teresa is in Non Profit Organization Management

Answer: Casa Teresa contact info: Phone number: 71******** Website:

Answer: Casa Teresa provides pregnant women in crisis a loving home to begin their healing journey. With a trusted and compassionate team of professionals and a proven Residential Program, our mothers learn lifelong skills to redirect their lives, create families that thrive and give in return. Founded in 1976, Casa Teresa is deeply rooted in the Orange County community. Our programs have positively impacted the lives of over 7,800 mothers and their children, and we cherish each and every one of our families as they progress towards full, loving and rewarding futures. Casa Teresa offers three separate residential programs: the Parenting Program, the Adoption Program Hannahs House, and the Transition Program and an Emergency Shelter to meet the immediate needs of women in crisis. Casa Teresa is open to all homeless, pregnant women in need regardless of religion, nationality, race, background, or any other factor.

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