Cameron Pharmaceuticals

Cameron Pharmaceuticals

Pharmaceuticals, Westport Rd, Louisville, , 40245, Kentucky, 12305, United States, 1-10 Employees

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Cameron is a multi-faceted pharmaceutical company, dedicated to bringing niche brand and generic pharmaceutical products to market while helping others implement and execute similar strat...

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  • 12305 Westport Rd, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245, United States Headquarters: 12305 Westport Rd, Louisville, Kentucky, 40245, United States
  • 2014 Date Founded: 2014
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

industries-icon Industry: Pharmaceuticals

SIC SIC Code: 2834

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Lee Zwiebel

National Accounts / Operations

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cameron Pharmaceuticals

Answer: Cameron Pharmaceuticals's headquarters are located at Westport Rd, Louisville, , 40245, Kentucky, 12305, United States

Answer: Cameron Pharmaceuticals's phone number is 88********

Answer: Cameron Pharmaceuticals's official website is

Answer: Cameron Pharmaceuticals's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Cameron Pharmaceuticals's SIC: 2834

Answer: Cameron Pharmaceuticals has 1-10 employees

Answer: Cameron Pharmaceuticals is in Pharmaceuticals

Answer: Cameron Pharmaceuticals contact info: Phone number: 88******** Website:

Answer: Cameron is a multi-faceted pharmaceutical company, dedicated to bringing niche brand and generic pharmaceutical products to market while helping others implement and execute similar strategies through its consulting entity Pharma Trading Partners, LLC (PTP). Cameron seeks to in-license and develop products that it sells through its own commercial platform under the Cameron label. Additionally, Cameron can partner with other small pharma companies that do not have a back office platform and offer order to cash services as well as other administrative and financial services support and sell their partners product under the Cameron label utilizing its established operating platform. PTP partners with ANDA holders to set-up their commercial operations infrastructure and then contracts with the trade channel on their partners behalf to sell products for them in their label.


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