Cachet Communications
Public Relations And Communications, 12 Bradshaw Ln, Northport, New York, 19103, United States, 11-50 Employees
Phone Number: 21********
ENGAGING PR & SPECIAL EVENTS TO INCREASE YOUR ROI In the early 20th century, the purpose of public relations was to spread the news about why your company and service is unique. There wer...
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Headquarters: 12 Bradshaw Ln, Northport, New York, 19103, United States
Date Founded: 2000
Employees: 11-50
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Active Tech Stack: See technologies
Industry: Public Relations and Communications
SIC Code: 4899
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Cachet Communications
Answer: Cachet Communications's headquarters are located at 12 Bradshaw Ln, Northport, New York, 19103, United States
Answer: Cachet Communications's phone number is 21********
Answer: Cachet Communications's official website is
Answer: Cachet Communications's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Cachet Communications's SIC: 4899
Answer: Cachet Communications has 11-50 employees
Answer: Cachet Communications is in Public Relations and Communications
Answer: Cachet Communications contact info: Phone number: 21******** Website:
Answer: ENGAGING PR & SPECIAL EVENTS TO INCREASE YOUR ROI In the early 20th century, the purpose of public relations was to spread the news about why your company and service is unique. There were limited modes of communication back then – only print and radio. Jump to the 21st century, and there are numerous ways to convey the message via television, cable, print, radio, satellite radio, social media, smart phones and more. Now public relations firms provide other services such as digital marketing, event planning and media outreach. This all looks great on paper, but what does the client really want? Most hope to increase their ROI- Return on Investment. That’s where we come in. We are Cachet Communications, a lifestyle public relations, marketing and special events firm in Philadelphia. Cachet means the state of being respected or admired. We strive to get our clients to stand out in a crowd by showcasing their company’s or charity’s products and services in a way that creates a memorable moment with the public.
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