C3, A Rimkus Company

C3, A Rimkus Company

Construction, 313 Congress St Ste 202, Boston, Massachusetts, 02210, United States, 51-200 Employees


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C3 (pronounced C cubed), A Rimkus Company is an international technical services consulting firm with a unique model: one integrated team with expertise spanning every aspect of building ...

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  • 313 Congress St Ste 202, Boston , Massachusetts, 02210, United States Headquarters: 313 Congress St Ste 202, Boston , Massachusetts, 02210, United States
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $10 Million to $25 Million

industries-icon Industry: Construction

SIC SIC Code: 8711 | NAICS Code: 54 | Show More

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding C3, A Rimkus Company

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company's headquarters are located at 313 Congress St Ste 202, Boston, Massachusetts, 02210, United States

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company's phone number is 61********

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company's official website is https://c3boston.com

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company's revenue is $10 Million to $25 Million

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company's SIC: 8711

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company's NAICS: 54

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company has 51-200 employees

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company is in Construction

Answer: C3, A Rimkus Company contact info: Phone number: 61******** Website: https://c3boston.com

Answer: C3 (pronounced C cubed), A Rimkus Company is an international technical services consulting firm with a unique model: one integrated team with expertise spanning every aspect of building design, planning, financing, construction, engineering, and development. Our multi-dimensional approach combines an owners mindset with an engineers skillset. Whether you are an owner, investor or real estate manager, C3 serves as your trusted fiduciarytaking your best interests as our first priority. With C3 you have a single, highly experienced partner with the technical, financial and business expertise to help answer your most crucial development questions: Should I undertake this development project? How can I maximize the value of my property in a challenging market? How much capital investment in building systems makes sense for my property? How can I minimize financial risk before, during and after construction? Who can engineer my building systems properly and cost-effectively to meet my operational or tenant needs? We simplify the complex, providing actionable and practical information to help you make the best decisionwhether youre embarking on new construction, purchasing an existing property or rejuvenating an asset in your portfolio. Our experience is diverse and globalfrom high-rise commercial buildings, industrial parks, and historic rehabs to resorts and hotels, shopping malls, and education facilities.


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