Buena Onda Empanadas
Restaurants, 724 E Haley St, Santa Barbara, California, 93103, United States, 51-200 Employees
Phone Number: 80********
At Buena Onda we are dedicated to quality and true to tradition, offering authentic Argentinian empanadas handmade and freshly baked from our oven to your table. As a family owned and ope...
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Headquarters: 724 E Haley St, Santa Barbara, California, 93103, United States
Employees: 51-200
Revenue: Under $1 Million
Industry: Restaurants
SIC Code: 5812
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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Buena Onda Empanadas
Answer: Buena Onda Empanadas's headquarters are located at 724 E Haley St, Santa Barbara, California, 93103, United States
Answer: Buena Onda Empanadas's phone number is 80********
Answer: Buena Onda Empanadas's official website is https://buenaondasb.com
Answer: Buena Onda Empanadas's revenue is Under $1 Million
Answer: Buena Onda Empanadas's SIC: 5812
Answer: Buena Onda Empanadas has 51-200 employees
Answer: Buena Onda Empanadas is in Restaurants
Answer: Buena Onda Empanadas contact info: Phone number: 80******** Website: https://buenaondasb.com
Answer: At Buena Onda we are dedicated to quality and true to tradition, offering authentic Argentinian empanadas handmade and freshly baked from our oven to your table. As a family owned and operated business, we take pride in creating a flavorful taste that is both foreign and familiar. With respect to our ingredients, we use only grass-fed, free-range poultry, and locally sourced produce to ensure that our commitment to quality can be tasted in every bite. Inspired in South America and desired in Santa Barbara, Buena Onda is honored to represent its old country in its new community. (our mother says we're the best restaurant in Santa Barbara)
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