BridgeWays Alabama

Bridge Ways Alabama

Education Management, 2600 Buckingham Ave, Homewood, Alabama, 33803, United States, 11-50 Employees

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BridgeWays believes children and youth are our most precious resource, deserving of community investment and developmental opportunities that build assets. We believe that the best youth ...

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industries-icon Industry: Education Management

SIC SIC Code: 8641

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding BridgeWays Alabama

Answer: BridgeWays Alabama's headquarters are located at 2600 Buckingham Ave, Homewood, Alabama, 33803, United States

Answer: BridgeWays Alabama's phone number is +18*********

Answer: BridgeWays Alabama's official website is

Answer: BridgeWays Alabama's revenue is $1 Million to $5 Million

Answer: BridgeWays Alabama's SIC: 8641

Answer: BridgeWays Alabama has 11-50 employees

Answer: BridgeWays Alabama is in Education Management

Answer: BridgeWays Alabama contact info: Phone number: +18********* Website:

Answer: BridgeWays believes children and youth are our most precious resource, deserving of community investment and developmental opportunities that build assets. We believe that the best youth development occurs in safe, nurturing, small groups where children and youth are actively and equally involved in creating their own learning. We foster leadership, independent thinking, and service-learning, engaging children and youth in congenial, collaborative decision-making, contributing to society's greater good. BridgeWays is responsive, providing programs and expertise relevant to needs and emerging issues affecting young people. We enrich the lives of adults as we partner with parents, caregivers, educators, and community leaders in the interest of our young. We expand their knowledge of challenges facing young people and encourage them to share their talents and build supportive relationships. We employ diverse and competent staff, and we recruit volunteers who embrace our core values to manage and govern our organization. BridgeWays encourages learning in an outdoor environment where academics, emotional and social skills are embedded in energizing activity. We teach young people to respect, value, and care for our environment and all living things. In addition, we guard the property of Fletcher Preserve and teach and celebrate the history and legacy of its founder, Pauline Fletcher.


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