Bravo Programs of America

Bravo Programs Of America

Civic & Social Organization, Jefferson Ave, Harrison Township, , 48045, Michigan, 34432, United States, 1-10 Employees

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6% of Americans will experience foster care, with over 400,000 youths annually. Only 8% enter foster care because of their behavior. The behavior of others leads the rest to this fate. Th...

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  • 34432 Jefferson Ave, Harrison Township, Michigan, 48045, United States Headquarters: 34432 Jefferson Ave, Harrison Township, Michigan, 48045, United States
  • 2012 Date Founded: 2012
  • 1-10 Employees: 1-10
  • dollar-icon Revenue: Under $1 Million
  • tech-icon Active Tech Stack: See technologies

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Ellen Lysik

Founder and President

Julie Miller

Secretary Board of Directors

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Bravo Programs of America

Answer: Bravo Programs of America's headquarters are located at Jefferson Ave, Harrison Township, , 48045, Michigan, 34432, United States

Answer: Bravo Programs of America's phone number is 58********

Answer: Bravo Programs of America's official website is

Answer: Bravo Programs of America's revenue is Under $1 Million

Answer: Bravo Programs of America has 1-10 employees

Answer: Bravo Programs of America is in Civic & Social Organization

Answer: Bravo Programs of America contact info: Phone number: 58******** Website:

Answer: 6% of Americans will experience foster care, with over 400,000 youths annually. Only 8% enter foster care because of their behavior. The behavior of others leads the rest to this fate. They suffer the consequences of others decisions. For instance, compared to the American population, foster youths are 11 times more likely to experience homelessness and six times more likely to spend time in prison. And today, only 3% graduate from college. It shouldnt be this way! Bravo Programs of America (Bravo) believe foster youths deserve the same opportunity as their peers to pursue their version of success. We believe education, college or trade school, is their passport for this pursuit. Providing foster youths a path to higher education provides them with a means to achieve financial stability and personal independence. But, for foster youths, its not only about money. It is about having a real chance to lead a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. Bravo is a Michigan-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit that ensures foster youths have post-secondary education opportunities. We award scholarships to deserving foster youths, ages 18 through 26, enrolled in an accredited college or trade school. We join our scholars support network as mentors, career coaches, facilitators, and cheerleaders. Bravo follows our scholars across the graduation finish line, In doing so, we witness firsthand the careers they step into as they head off to chase their American Dream. The success of Bravo scholars is apparent. Our 53% graduation rate far exceeds the 3% national average for foster youths. It also exceeds the 39% national rate for all youths under 26. If this cause compels you to act, please get in touch with us to discuss how you can engage through us!

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