Blanton Museum of Art

Blanton Museum Of Art

Museums And Institutions, 200 E Martin Luther King Jr BLVD, Austin, Texas, 78712, United States, 51-200 Employees

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Located on the campus of the University of Texas in Austin, the Blanton Museum of Art is the primary art collection for the city of Austin. With over 21,000 works in the collection, the B...

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  • 200 E Martin Luther King Jr BLVD, Austin, Texas, 78712, United States Headquarters: 200 E Martin Luther King Jr BLVD, Austin, Texas, 78712, United States
  • 51-200 Employees: 51-200
  • dollar-icon Revenue: $50 Million to $100 Million

industries-icon Industry: Museums and Institutions

SIC SIC Code: 8412

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Ashlyn Hall

Visitor and Volunteer Services Intern

Rosario Granados-Salinas

Marilynn Thoma Curator, Art of the Spanish Americas

Carter Foster

Deputy Director for Curatorial Affairs and Curator of Prints and Drawings

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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Blanton Museum of Art

Answer: Blanton Museum of Art's headquarters are located at 200 E Martin Luther King Jr BLVD, Austin, Texas, 78712, United States

Answer: Blanton Museum of Art's phone number is 51********

Answer: Blanton Museum of Art's official website is

Answer: Blanton Museum of Art's revenue is $50 Million to $100 Million

Answer: Blanton Museum of Art's SIC: 8412

Answer: Blanton Museum of Art has 51-200 employees

Answer: Blanton Museum of Art is in Museums and Institutions

Answer: Blanton Museum of Art contact info: Phone number: 51******** Website:

Answer: Located on the campus of the University of Texas in Austin, the Blanton Museum of Art is the primary art collection for the city of Austin. With over 21,000 works in the collection, the Blanton showcases art from across the ages, from ancient Greek pottery to abstract expressionism. With a year-round schedule of temporary exhibitions, art lovers are sure to discover new and old favorites at the Blanton. El Museo de Arte Blanton es uno de los recursos primordiales de la comunidad por tener la coleccion de arte mas importante en la ciudad. Con casi 21,000 obras de arte en su coleccion, el Blanton presenta arte de varias epocas, desde vasijas de la Antigua Grecia hasta expresionismo abstracto (con un fuerte enfasis en el arte de Latinoamerica). Los amantes del arte, ademas de encontrar sus objetos preferidos de siempre, descubriran nuevos favoritos en cada visita al Blanton gracias a su calendario anual de exposiciones temporales.

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